There are many different reasons that you may suffer from headaches. In fact, a headache can also present itself in many different ways. There are some who will experience pain that resonates above the eyes, only on one side of their head and others who have pain all over. In most cases, a headache is not a serious problem; however, the pain can easily reach excruciating levels.
6 Warning Signs of Tension Headaches
We Can Treat Your Headaches
Traditional treatment methods for headaches are medications and rest. However, you can seek chiropractic care, where you will receive treatments that will cure your headache pain naturally, without having to seek any type of medication.
There are three common causes of headaches: environment, food and stress. A stress headache is most commonly referred to as a tension headache. These are typically triggered by extremely stressful situations where your body is tense for an extended period of time and your muscles are constricted. A tension headache is the most common type of headache that is experienced. In fact, it is estimated that up to 75 percent of people who suffer from headaches experience tension headaches. A tension headache is characterized by dull and achy feelings that are present on either or both sides of your head. The longevity of a tension headache can last from as little as 30 minutes, to a period of several days.
The causes of a tension headache are tense muscles, however subluxations in the neck and upper back can also, frequently cause these types of headaches. When you seek chiropractic care, it can help to reduce the pain and eliminate the occurrence of tension headaches altogether.
There are many types of foods that can frequently trigger certain types of headaches, as well. This includes lunchmeats that contain nitrates, a variety of cheeses and all types of chocolate. In fact, these foods can easily set off the pain that leads to a migraine. If you suffer from this type of exercise, you will likely experience dizziness, nausea and severe pain. Other common causes for headaches include lack of sleep, lights that flicker and extreme stress.
How Chiropractic Care Helps
Chiropractic care has been proven a successful treatment method for individuals suffering from migraine and tension headache pain. A headache is typically a symptom that results from a problem that is occurring elsewhere in your body. When you visit the chiropractor, they will work to relieve and correct the underlying structural problems that may lead to headaches.
Some of the most common reasons that a headache occur are due to a misalignment of the vertebral joints in your spine that make up the cervical spine and then pass through the vital nerves in your body. The treatment plan that will be developed by a chiropractor will typically combine several different methods of treatment. In most cases this will include nutritional advice, corrective and therapeutic exercises and a schedule of regular adjustments. Additionally, changing your diet will help to reduce the headaches that occur.
If you are looking to permanently reduce or eliminate headache pain, you may find that regular chiropractic treatments will help with this goal. They understand that the cause of headache can be cured naturally, which will also help to prevent the occurrence of the problem time and time again. A chiropractor will work to correct the underlying issues that cause your headaches, instead of simply treating the symptoms of the problem. This means that you will experience lasting results that can eliminate the debilitating pain that is caused by any type of headache. Remember to tell your chiropractor about all symptoms associated with your headache pain in order to be given the most effective treatment plan.